Fundraising Guide

by | Apr 30, 2024 | Grow & Scale your Business, Playbooks | 0 comments

What is a Fundraising Strategy?

For many new businesses, there comes a point when they need to raise external capital, for example, to invest in marketing or product development, in order to scale their business to the next level. If this is you, then awesome! Because in this chapter, we will guide you through the process of preparing to raise capital.

Usually, when it comes to raising capital, startups or any type of new business go through several funding rounds:

  • Pre-seed: This is typically the earliest stage of fundraising, where the startup is in the idea or concept stage and needs initial funding to validate the idea and build a prototype.
  • Seed: Seed funding is the next step after pre-seed, where the startup has developed a prototype and is ready to launch a product or service. Seed funding is often used to hire a small team, conduct market research, and refine the product.
  • Angel: An angel round is a type of funding round where individual investors, known as angel investors, provide funding to a startup in exchange for equity in the company. Angel rounds usually occur in the pre-seed or seed stages.
  • Series A: Series A funding is typically used to scale the business and expand the team. At this stage, the startup has likely launched its product and has a few customers and needs funding to grow its customer base and increase revenue.
  • Series B: Series B funding is used to accelerate growth and scale the business. At this stage, the startup has a proven business model and a large customer base and needs funding to expand into new markets or product lines.
  • Series C and beyond: These funding rounds are for later-stage startups that have already achieved significant growth and market traction. The funding is used to further expand the business, acquire other companies, or prepare for an IPO or acquisition.

If you’ve bootstrapped your business so far, already launched your MVP to the market, and are now trying to grow your business, you are probably somewhere between the seed round and series A round stages.

Whatever stage you are in, the process for fundraising is always similar. You need to generate clarity about where you want to take your company and what you need funding for. You will need to research potential investors, prepare a convincing pitch deck, and finally reach out to investors hoping for a chance to convince them to invest in your business. We will go through all of this within this last work package.

Note: 🍋 Throughout this guide we will use the example of a food supplement company to better illustrate each task and information.

What is a Fundraising Strategy Good For?

A well-executed fundraising strategy is crucial as it provides the necessary capital to fuel growth, innovation, and market expansion.

  • Accelerated Growth: With adequate funding, businesses can execute their growth strategies more effectively, expanding their operations, acquiring new customers, and seizing market opportunities.
  • Access to Expertise and Networks: Beyond capital, fundraising often brings onboard experienced investors who can provide valuable guidance, industry connections, and strategic insights, accelerating business development and success.
  • Increased Credibility: Securing investment from reputable investors enhances a company’s credibility and market reputation, instilling confidence in potential customers, partners, and stakeholders.
  • Flexibility and Resilience: A diversified funding base provides greater financial stability and resilience, enabling businesses to weather market fluctuations and unforeseen challenges more effectively.

Curated Lists 📋

💡 To save you some time, we have put together a free list with Fundraising Directory which you can use to work on your fundraising strategy.

How to Define Your Fundraising Strategy Step-by-Step:

Step A: Fundraising Templates

Step B: Growth Roadmap and Funding Needs

Step C: Financial Projections

Step D: Investor Research and Short List

Step E: Pitch Deck Creation

Step F: Investor Outreach and Follow up

Step A

Fundraising Templates

To work on your fundraising roadmap you can either build your own whiteboard template for example on Miro, use Google Sheets to calculate your financial projections and track investor leads and use Google Slides to build your pitch deck or you can use our ready-to-use templates along with this guide.

Included Templates:

Strategic Roadmap Miro Board

Financial Projections Spreadsheet Model

Investor List Spreadsheet Template

Pitch Deck Presentation Template

Step B

Growth Roadmap and Funding Needs

Investors won’t give you money just because you ask for it, they will want to know exactly what they are getting into, where you expect the business to go and for what exactly you need capital. 

This is why , first thing, you need to define your strategic roadmap, meaning how you plan to evolve your company over the next 3-5 years.

There are different types of growth levers that you can consider:

  • Product Improvements: Build and refine your Minimum Viable Product (MVP), or advance fully fledged products/services by developing new features and so on
  • New Product Development: Maybe you even plan to launch new products or services within the next few years, which also appeal to your target segments and which complement or expand your existing products or services portfolio.
  • Expansion: As your business grows and scales, you may want to expand into new  geographic or demographic markets, or acquire other companies.
  • Market Penetration: You may increase your marketing and sales activities or incorporate new customer acquisition strategies to grow within your existing markets.

Any of those growth levers usually require some kind of investment and that is where your funding needs arise. You could for example require funding for:

  • Product development: This can include funding to build and refine your Minimum Viable Product (MVP), develop new product features or completely new products.
  • Hiring: As your business grows you may need funding to expand your team to cover the higher workload or new tasks. You will likely need to hire new employees or contractors, including developers, designers, marketers, and salespeople.
  • Marketing and customer acquisition: You may need funding to launch marketing campaigns, acquire customers, and build brand awareness.
  • Technology: You likely will need funding to pay for new or better tech tools, or larger subscriptions to support your growing business and enable day to day work. 
  • Operations: This can include funding to cover ongoing expenses such as rent, utilities, equipment or other operating expenses.
  • Research and development: You may need funding to conduct market research, develop new features or products, or file patents.
  • Expansion Cost: You may need funding to expand your business either into new markets or to acquire other companies.

So as a first step go to your Strategic Roadmap 📒Template , brainstorm and lay out all the growth levers or initiatives that you plan to develop over the next years. Use the post-its of the corresponding color to indicate what type of growth lever it is.


Step C

Financial Projections

Now that you’ve defined your growth levers and identified your investment needs it is time to work on your financial projections.

For investors it is not enough to hear from you what great things you’ve planned for your company, they will also want to know what financial impact you expect those initiatives to have and what return they can expect on their investments.

We’ve prepared a Financial Projection Model 📒Template for you to calculate your growth projections. Remember you can access it here.

So go ahead, open your spreadsheet model and follow these steps.

Start by calculating the current revenues or the one that you estimate to have in the current year (Y0).  Calculate them by introducing the total number of customers in Y0, as well as the average purchasing volume per customer and the average price in Y0 which gives you the customers average spend per year.

Next project your revenue growth potential by applying a growth rate.  You can apply a growth rate to both:

  • Your customer base: meaning your loyal customer base grows over time. Of course you will also have customer churn, but you will hopefully acquire more new customers than those that will leave you so your total customer base grows.
  • The average spend: meaning the average spend of the individual customers can also grow over time because they become more loyal to your brand.

Your growth potential for each can depend on external as well as internal factors. 

External factors – meaning the growth of the general demand in this industry. 

For external growth, you can estimate a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)for any market evolution data you collected. The CAGR is the measure of the average growth over a specified period of time, typically measured in years. It is calculated by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth of a value, where n is the number of years in the period. The formula looks as follows: 

CAGR = (Ending value / Beginning value) ^ (1 / n) – 1

For example, if you got a beginning value of $100 and an ending value of $120 after 3 years, the CAGR would be calculated as follows:

CAGR = ($120 / $100) ^ (1 / 3) – 1 = 1.086 – 1 = 0.086 = 8.6%

So you could for example try to find data on how your industry’s revenues have evolved over the last years, calculate the CAGR and project this on your potential revenues by applying the same % growth rate.

Internal Growth – On the other hand, you can have internal growth factors for example through increasing your marketing budget. The more marketing money you spend the more people will become aware of your product/service, the more you can convert to customers and increase your market share vs. competitors. 

So think about how much (%) you could be able to increase your marketing budget over the next 5 years and what impact (%) this could have on your revenues. Of course, if your business is new and you don’t have any past data available that serve as an evidence for the impact of your marketing spend on your sales, you will have to make an assumption again. 

Now that you have those to % figures you will have to calculate the weighted average of both to get a global potential growth rate. 

So you will first need to decide on the weight of your external factor and the internal one and with this calculate the weather average. 

For example, let’s say your external factor is EX and your internal factor is IN, with weights of 40% and 60%, respectively. For EX you estimate 4% growth, and for IN you estimate 7% growth . The weighted average of these two factors would be calculated as follows:

(40% * 4%) + (60% * 7%) = 1,6% + 4,2% = 5,8% Growth Rate

So go ahead and introduce the weight of the internal and external factors as well as the expected growth rate for your customer base and average spend.

Then estimate your investment needs. List all the investment needs positions that you identified in your strategic roadmap. Next, assign the amount of required investment to each position. If you don’t have the exact number yet, research and make an educated guess how much investment you need.

And finally introduce your current COGS, OPEX and CAPEX and estimate for each cost position how they will evolve in the next 3 years. Remember to modify the light green fields in your spreadsheet only.

With this you get your P&L with the growth projections for the next 3 years.

Step D

Investor Research and Short List

Next, it is time to research and create a short list of potential investors that you can reach out to. 

Start by researching potential investors in your industry or related industries. The most basic way of course is the good ol’ Google search or you can use specialized online platforms such as Crunchbase or AngelList to find potential investors. You can also network with industry peers, attend startup events or conferences and connect with incubators or accelerators that may offer mentorship, support and investor introductions.

There are different types of investors, which one is right for your business mainly depends on the stage of your business, the amount of funding you require, the industry, the growth potential, and your goals and preferences.

  • Angel investors: Typically high net worth individuals who invest their own money in startups in exchange for equity.
  • Venture capitalists: Professional investors who manage funds and invest in startups with high growth potential. They typically invest in exchange for equity and seek significant returns on their investment.
  • Private equity firms: Invest in mature companies with proven business models and the potential for growth. They typically invest in exchange for a controlling stake in the company.
  • Corporate investors: Companies that invest in startups that are strategically aligned with their own business goals.
  • Family offices: Private wealth management firms that manage investments for high net worth families.
  • Crowdfunding investors: Individuals who invest small amounts of money in a startup in exchange for rewards, equity, or interest. There are a number of crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo or GofundMe, where you can sign up and raise funding for your project.
  • Accelerators and incubators: Organizations that provide funding, mentorship, and resources to startups in exchange for equity or a fee.

💡 To save you some time, we put together a List of investors and platforms to find and connect with potential investors which you can find above.

We have prepared an Investor List 📒Template where you can list potential investors and  collect all the information that you found.

Once you have identified potential investors, research them individually by checking out their website and portfolio, to understand their investment criteria and determine whether your business fits within their investment portfolio. Add all the information you find to your Investor List 📒Template 

Investment Criteria can include: 

  • Investment stage: Different investors have different preferences when it comes to the stage of the companies they invest in. For example, some may focus on seed-stage companies, while others may prefer to invest in more established companies. Make sure to research the investment stage that each investor typically focuses on.
  • Industry focus: Some investors have a specific industry focus, such as healthcare, fintech, or consumer products. Make sure to research the industries that each investor has experience in and whether your business fits within their areas of expertise.
  • Investment size: Investors may have different preferences when it comes to investment size, with some willing to invest larger sums and others preferring smaller investments. Make sure to research the typical investment size that each investor makes.
  • Investment type: Some investors may only invest in equity, while others may prefer convertible debt or another type of investment. Make sure to research the types of investments that each investor typically makes.
  • Reputation: Research the reputation of each investor you are considering. Check out their portfolio companies, talk to entrepreneurs they have worked with in the past, and read reviews and news articles about them. This will give you a sense of the type of investor they are and the experience they bring to the table.
  • Compatibility: It’s important to find investors who share your values and vision for your company. Look for investors who are passionate about your industry and understand your business model. Additionally, you’ll be working closely with your investors, so it’s important to find people you trust and feel comfortable with.

When research each investor also try to figure out how to get in touch with them. Find their contact information, see if they provide an online application process or find a possible contact person, look for their email , LinkedIn profile or other ways to get in touch with them or apply for funding. Add all the contact data to your list.

Step E

Pitch Deck Creation 

Alright, now that you got your list of investors together we will work on your pitch deck. 

A pitch deck is a presentation to showcase your business idea, strategy, and potential to possible investors.  A well-designed and persuasive pitch deck should help you to capture the interest of potential investors and get you into the next meeting to ultimately take you a step closer to secure the funding needed to grow your business.

Your pitch deck should tell a story that engages and excites your audience, and evoke an emotional response while still providing a clear and concise overview of all key points including the financial opportunity.

The narrative of your investor pitch could go something like this:

  • “Boom! Here comes a strong catchphrase or vision that catches the attention of your audience….” ➡️Intro: Mission/Vision or Tagline
  • “We’ve observed that there exists this problem, and we even know someone who has or even have experienced it ourselves…” ➡️​​Problem
  • “But we got this great idea that offers the perfect solution to this problem…” ➡️Solutions
  • “To be a little more specific, this is what our product/service offers…” ➡️Product/Service Features
  • “And those are our target customer segments, who we are convinced will love our product because it covers their needs and resonates with their preferences …” ➡️Target Market 
  • “And to be a little more precise we are going to make money in the following way….” ➡️Revenue Model or Business Model
  • “Of course there are potential risks or threats and we are fully aware of them…” ➡️Potential Risk or Threats
  • “But our first results have been very promising and we see a huge opportunity…”  ➡️Current Financials and/or Opportunity/Market Size
  • “In fact, we believe that with a little external support we can get here in the next 3-5 years…”  ➡️ Financial Projections
  • “And we will get there through the following initiatives….” ➡️Strategic Roadmap
  • “To implement these initiatives we need a budget for….”  ➡️Investment Needs
  • “And this is the team that is currently working on this business….”  ➡️ Team
  • “We would love to talk to you soon…”  ➡️ Outro

Remember, we’ve prepared a pitch deck template with different slide options that you can use and adjust to your needs and branding. You can access it again here.

💡As a little tip: Before working on your presentation slides, start with writing down the title or key message of each slide to get the right narrative for your pitch. This will give you an overview of the whole story and make it easier to get the right sequence for your presentation.

Your investor pitch should include the following sections:

Intro: Mission/Vision or Tagline

The Intro section of a pitch deck is crucial for setting the tone and grabbing the attention of your audience. It should include your mission/vision statement or a tagline that summarizes what your company does in a simple and concise manner.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Keep your mission/vision statement or tagline short and simple, ideally one sentence.
  • Use language that is easy to understand and avoid jargon or buzzwords.
  • Make sure your mission/vision statement or tagline is memorable and sticks in the minds of your audience.
  • Use visuals such as graphics or images to reinforce your message and make your pitch more engaging.
  • Tailor your mission/vision statement or tagline to your audience. For example, if you’re pitching to investors, focus on how your company can generate returns for them.


The “Problem” section of a pitch deck is where you introduce the main issue or pain point that your product or service aims to solve. This is your opportunity to clearly articulate the problem and provide evidence that it is a significant issue for your target market.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Clearly define the problem that your product or service solves and provide specific examples or data to support your claims. Avoid vague or broad statements that may not resonate with your audience.
  • Demonstrate the negative impact that the problem has on your target market, whether it’s lost time, money, or opportunities. Help your audience understand why solving this problem is important.
  • Show that you understand the problem from the perspective of your target market. Use real-world examples and anecdotes to illustrate your point and demonstrate empathy.
  • Keep your description of the problem brief and to the point. Your audience should be able to understand the issue quickly and easily.
  • Consider using charts, graphs, or other visuals to help illustrate the problem and make it easier for your audience to understand. Visuals can also make your pitch deck more engaging and memorable.


The “Solution” section of a pitch deck should focus on explaining how your product or service solves the problem you described in the previous section. This is where you present your unique value proposition and showcase the features and benefits of your solution.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Explain the benefits of your solution rather than just the features. Your audience wants to know how your product or service can solve their problem and make their life easier or better.
  • Consider using graphics or other visuals to help explain your solution. This can help your audience understand complex concepts more easily.
  • Use real-world examples to illustrate how your solution has helped other customers. This can provide social proof and increase the credibility of your solution.
  • Keep your explanations clear and concise. Avoid technical jargon or overly complex language that could confuse your audience.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition and emphasize what sets your solution apart from competitors. This could be a unique feature, a better price point, or a more effective solution.

Product/Service Features

The Product/Service Features section of a pitch deck is where you provide a detailed description of the product or service you are offering and explain how it solves the problem you have identified. This section should highlight the unique features of your product or service that make it stand out from the competition.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Avoid using technical jargon or complex language that might confuse your audience. Make sure that your product features are easy to understand and clearly communicated.
  • Incorporate visuals like images, diagrams, or videos to help illustrate how your product works and make it more engaging for your audience.
  • Focus on benefits, not just features. While it’s important to highlight the features of your product, it’s even more important to explain how those features benefit your target customers.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition. Explain what sets your product apart from the competition and why your target customers should choose it over other options.
  • Provide specific examples of how your product has helped customers or how it has been successful in solving the problem you have identified.

Target Market

The Target Market section of a pitch deck should provide a clear and concise overview of the ideal customer or client for your product or service. This section should demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the market and its needs, as well as how your solution fits into it.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Clearly define the target market segment(s) your product or service is designed for. This could include factors such as demographics, geography, interests, behaviors, or other relevant characteristics.
  • Consider including a visual representation of the target market segment(s), such as a chart or infographic, to help investors better understand who you are targeting.
  • Be specific and avoid broad or vague statements. For example, instead of saying your target market is “millennials,” specify which subset of millennials your product or service is designed for.
  • If applicable, highlight any traction or early success you have had with your target market. This could include customer feedback, testimonials, or other relevant metrics.

Revenue Model or Business Model

The Revenue Model or Business Model section of a pitch deck is where you outline how your company plans to make money. This section should be clear and concise, and should demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of your industry and market.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Be specific and clearly outline your business model and revenue streams, describing how you plan to monetize your product or service, and what your long-term growth strategy is.. This will help investors understand how you plan to generate revenue and how it fits into the larger market landscape.
  • If your business model has any unique or innovative features, be sure to highlight them. This will help set your company apart from competitors and demonstrate that you have a strong understanding of your industry.
  • Using visuals such as charts or graphs, can help make your revenue model more clear and engaging for investors. Be sure to label your visuals clearly and use them to support your overall narrative.
  • If your company has multiple potential revenue streams, be sure to highlight them. This can demonstrate that your business is diversified and has multiple paths to revenue generation.

Potential Risk or Threats

The Potential Risk or Threats section of a pitch deck is an important part of the presentation that allows you to demonstrate that you have considered potential challenges and have a plan to address them. 

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Start by identifying the potential risks and threats that your business could face. This can include factors such as economic downturns, changing market trends, legal and regulatory changes, new competition, and more.
  • After identifying the risks and threats, outline how you plan to address them. This can include contingency plans, risk mitigation strategies, or alternative approaches that you could take if certain risks materialize.
  • When discussing potential risks and threats, it’s important to be honest and transparent. Investors will appreciate that you have thought critically about potential challenges and have a plan to address them.
  • While risks and threats can be daunting, they can also present opportunities for growth and innovation. If appropriate, show how you plan to turn potential risks into opportunities for your business.
  • Keep it concise: As with other sections of your pitch deck, keep your discussion of potential risks and threats concise and to the point. Focus on the most critical issues and demonstrate that you have a plan to address them.

Current Financials and/or Opportunity/Market Size

This section of the pitch deck should provide an overview of the current financial situation of the company, and/or an analysis of the size of the market opportunity. It is important to show that you have a solid understanding of the current state of the industry and how your company fits into it.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Be transparent and honest about your financials, but also highlight any positive trends or milestones that you have achieved.
  • Use data and research to support your analysis of the market opportunity and provide a clear picture of the potential size of the market.
  • Consider including graphs or charts to make the information easier to understand and digest.
  • If applicable, discuss any potential barriers to entry or challenges that your company may face in capturing a share of the market.
  • Clearly articulate how your product or service fits into the current market landscape and what sets it apart from competitors.

Financial Projections

This section of the pitch deck should provide a forecast of the company’s financial performance over a set period of time. It is important to show investors that you have a realistic understanding of the potential financial outcomes for your business.

💡 Tips and best practices:

  • Use data and research to support your financial projections and ensure they are as accurate as possible.
  • Be conservative in your estimates, and don’t overinflate potential revenue or growth.
  • Clearly explain the assumptions that underpin your projections, such as customer acquisition costs or expected growth rates.
  • You can also provide a breakdown of the various revenue streams for your business and how they contribute to overall financial performance.
  • Consider including a sensitivity analysis to show how changes in key assumptions could impact your financial projections.

Strategic Roadmap

The strategic roadmap section should detail the company’s plans for growth and development. This should include specific milestones and goals that the company aims to achieve, as well as a clear timeline for achieving these goals.

💡 Tips and Best Practices:

  • Focus on the most important milestones and goals that will help drive the company’s growth. Avoid getting bogged down in too many details or specifics.
  • Make sure that the goals and milestones you set are achievable within a reasonable timeframe. Investors will be looking for evidence that you have a well thought-out plan for success.
  • If your company has already achieved some milestones, be sure to highlight these as evidence of your ability to execute and achieve success.

Investment Needs

The investment needs section should clearly outline how much funding the company is seeking, what it will be used for, and what percentage of ownership the investor will receive in return.

💡 Tips and Best Practices:

  • Provide a clear breakdown of how the funding will be used, whether it be for product development, marketing, or hiring new staff. Investors will want to see that you have a well thought-out plan for how the funding will be used to drive growth and success.
  • Explain why the amount of funding you are seeking is necessary to achieve your goals, and provide evidence to support your claims.
  • Be upfront about what percentage of ownership the investor will receive in return for their investment. Investors will want to know exactly what they are getting in return for their money.


The Team section of a pitch deck should introduce the key members of the founding team, their backgrounds, and their roles in the company. It’s essential to showcase the team’s relevant experience, education, and skills that qualify them to execute the business plan. Investors invest in the team as much as the idea, so this section should be a highlight.

💡 Tips and Best Practices:

  • Highlight the team’s unique skills and experience that make them qualified to execute the business plan.
  • Showcase the team’s complementary skillsets that allow them to work well together.
  • Provide specific examples of the team’s past successes or achievements in related fields.
  • Include the team’s social proof, such as awards, media mentions, or industry recognition, to build credibility.


The Outro, also known as the Call to Action, is the final part of the pitch deck, where you wrap up the presentation and ask for a specific action from the investor. It could be a follow-up meeting, an investment offer, or simply a request for feedback.

💡 Tips and Best Practices:

  • End the presentation with a memorable and impactful statement that sums up the company’s vision or mission.
  • Be clear and concise about what you are asking for, whether it’s funding, feedback, or another action.
  • Offer a clear path for the next steps, such as scheduling a follow-up meeting or providing additional information.
  • Be confident and enthusiastic about the business idea and the potential of the partnership with the investor.
  • Include contact information, such as an email address or phone number, to make it easy for investors to get in touch with you.
  • Remember, the Outro is the final impression you’ll make on investors, so make sure it’s a strong and memorable one.

Step F

Investor Outreach and Follow up

Finally, you need to get in touch with potential investors to be able to present your pitch and possibly get them to consider investing in your business.

  • Online platforms: As mentioned earlier, there are several online platforms, such as AngelList or SeedInvest, that allow you to create a profile and connect with potential investors. By creating a profile on these platforms, you can showcase your business and funding needs to a wider audience and potentially attract the interest of investors. Some platforms even offer tools and resources to help you manage your fundraising process.
  • Investors’ application process: Many investors, such as venture capitalists (VCs) and accelerators, have official application processes for startups seeking funding. These processes typically involve submitting an application or pitch deck and going through a review process to determine if your business is a good fit for the investor’s portfolio. By following the application process, you can potentially receive funding and gain access to valuable resources and networks.
  • Cold outreach: Based on the investors you have on your list, you can also reach out to them directly via email, LinkedIn, or other social media channels. However, make sure to do the proper research on the investors beforehand to ensure that your outreach is targeted and relevant to their investment interests. It’s also important to craft a personalized and compelling message that highlights your potential and value proposition.
  • Professional services: There are professional services, such as investment bankers, attorneys, and consultants, that can help you connect with potential investors. These services can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the fundraising process, including introductions to investors, due diligence, and negotiation.
  • Startup events: Attending startup events, such as pitch competitions, conferences, and networking events, can be a great way to connect with investors in person. These events offer opportunities to showcase your business, meet potential investors, and gain valuable feedback and insights. It’s important to prepare a pitch and do research on the investors attending the event to maximize the chances of making a meaningful connection.

For your cold outreach as well as for other personal intros (like on a startup event), make sure to know your elevator pitch.

Your elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you can use to spark interest in your business. It should summarize who you are, what you do, and what makes your business unique in a concise and engaging way.

When reaching out to investors through cold outreach or in-person events, having a well-crafted elevator pitch is crucial. It allows you to quickly capture the attention of potential investors and clearly communicate what your business does and why it’s worth their time and money.

Here are a few tips for crafting an effective elevator pitch:


  • Keep it concise: Your pitch should be no longer than 60-90 seconds.
  • Focus on the problem and solution: Explain the problem your business solves and how your product or service provides a solution.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition: What sets your business apart from competitors? What makes it unique?
  • Show traction: If you have any early traction, such as customer acquisition or revenue, make sure to mention it.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Practice your pitch until you can deliver it confidently and smoothly, without stumbling or hesitating.